WSJ Opinion: Older Workers Can Keep Up

Older workers are integral parts of the workforce. Read OATS Founder and Executive Director Tom Kamber’s opinion piece on the topic, published by The Wall Street Journal.

Older workers are integral parts of the workforce. Read OATS Founder and Executive Director Tom Kamber’s opinion piece on the topic, published by The Wall Street Journal.

“Most older workers are eager to learn technologies to enhance productivity (“Older Workers and Tech,” Journal Report, Nov. 29). In October alone, Older Adults Technology Services hosted 23,000 visitors to our online-learning programs, where they brushed up on tech skills. A woman in Colorado recently told me that “learning these new skills saved my job.”

AARP has found that 59% of employers rate older workers as more adept at problem solving. Other research finds older workers are more reliable, less subject to turnover and, when working in age-diverse teams, able to produce better business decisions. The obstacle isn’t older workers—it is ageist and outdated thinking, which overlooks the productive capacity of older adults.”

Read the story here.

Photo by Getty Images/ISTOCKPHOTO for WSJ

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