Solving for X at the End of Life

In interviews with people who were dying, we learned they wanted to mark their final days with meaningful experiences and leave their affairs in order. It's time to reset logistics, last days and legacy.

He died fuller of faith than of fears,

Fuller of resolution than of pains,

Fuller of honour than of days.

Inscription, Westminster Abbey, 1631

Why do we so often die badly? How does it happen that so many of us arrive at the end of life unprepared for the journey? Somehow, we are stumped when it comes to creating a better model of dying. Our unique qualities as individuals are lost in the processes of medical institutions and funeral homes. For those facing our last days, we have a pretty good sense of what’s involved.

Twenty years ago, I started a nonprofit organization called Older Adults Technology Services (OATS) based in New York City that helps senior citizens build new models of aging while learning technology skills. We use design thinking methods to create new programs for social impact, using approaches like co-creation, prototyping and customer satisfaction metrics.

Recently we turned our innovation lens toward what was happening with older people in end-of-life situations to see if we could design new programs to help them. Using a design thinking methodology, we met with people who were dying and asked questions like, “What is a good day like for you?” and “If you could change one thing about your end-of-life process, what would it be?”

We met with people in their hospice beds, in their homes, and on one adventurous occasion, in the Fabergé room at the Metropolitan Museum. Some had been told they had months left, while others were living with just a few weeks in their prognosis. We visited other hospices around the country and spoke with social workers, chaplains, elder law attorneys and service providers.  We read books on death and dying by Caitlin Doughty, Atul Gawande and Richard Rohr. We had weekly review sessions and talked to experts on business planning and branding and customer experience design. 

We Are Failing at Dying

Here is what we learned.

We are failing at dying. Instead of a time for growth, deep connection, reflection and deliverance, our ends of life are consumed by petty distractions and institutional imperatives. The dying people we interviewed had not given up on life; rather they were full of desire to mark their final days with meaningful experiences and leave their affairs in order.

Yet almost everyone expressed sadness and frustration that they lacked a path for the right kind of death, the kind of passing that would reflect well the kind of life they had lived and the essence of the person they had become.

People described an entrenched group of institutions, resistant to change and wielding enormous power, which have grown to dominate the last stage of life — hospitals, funeral homes, home care agencies, religious organizations. When asked what they wanted instead people asked for three kinds of help: logistics, last days and legacy

The Burden of Unmet Tasks

“Do you know someone who can come clean out my attic?” asked one woman in her fifties, fighting cancer and concerned that her overworked and grieving husband was sinking under the weight of daily tasks such as lawn mowing and housework. It was a startling response, in a bedside interview, to the question, “what’s most important to you now?” We were expecting ruminations on the duration of the soul, and instead people were preoccupied with getting the sheets clean and arranging pet care. 

Logistics, it turns out, are top of mind for people who are dying. One woman spoke of her satisfaction in having arranged her funeral details and even set aside a dress to wear in her coffin. In an echo of Maslow’s famous hierarchy of human needs, the quotidian tasks form the base of the pyramid, and it seems difficult for people to elevate their thinking while still burdened with a laundry list of unmet tasks.

Many people commented on the need for legal help with logistics; writing wills, advance directives, health care proxies and financial plans. For many people, procrastination on legal matters resulted in family conflicts, loss of control over health decisions and anxiety about financial losses.

Unfortunately, once people were already in hospice, it was sometimes too late to interview lawyers and schedule notaries for important documents. Critical decisions about health, finances and death planning were left to caretakers and service providers, leaving the dying individual with little control over final decisions.

Death Needs a Reset

Being able to choose the location, activities and company of one’s last days was a recurrent theme. Despite being just days from passing, people expressed interest in writing articles, visiting museums, doing last trips with family members and exploring culture. My organization was able to arrange a robot tour of the Whitney Museum for one woman, who drove a telepresence robot around the museum from her hospice bed in Connecticut. At the end of the day, she drove the robot to the window and silently watched the sun setting over the river. 

Finally, hospice patients were predictably focused on their legacies. We spoke for hours with people about their thoughts on post-death rituals, the value of a personalized funeral and the services that might help them express their individuality after passing. There was a great deal of openness to modern, innovative funeral approaches— “living funerals,” celebratory parties after death and eco-friendly caskets and cremations. 

One clear message emerged from the interviews: death needs a reset. The handoff from doctor to hospice nurse to priest to funeral director is no longer the only path. What’s at stake is no less than our self-determination as free individuals. Like any life transition, death is a chance to explore and express ourselves in our mature stage, when we have perhaps the most important things to say. Modern culture offers endless chances for tailoring this most personal of events to our unique needs, but our social discomfort talking about death blocks us from acting.

Time for Innovative Thinking

We found some truly innovative models in our research: “death cafes” where people gathered to explore themes of mortality and end-of-life planning; alternative hospices such as the Zen Hospice in California and Regional Hospice in Connecticut; digital death planning apps and sites such as Everplans and Everest Funerals; community learning programs run by the Plaza Jewish Community Chapel; and a national dialogue and events series sponsored by the San Francisco-based nonprofit Reimagine. Unfortunately, these programs only serve a small percentage of those who want them.

Here is a vision for reshaping end-of-life services and systems in accordance with what people asked for in the interviews.

Logistics: We need insurance and financial products that recognize the need for intensive health and personal assistance during the end-of-life period and provide enhanced benefits for people who need them. Government might create tax-free plans for legal fees associated with end-of-life plans, and the service sector should increase programs to ensure that people over the age of 60 have a legal will, advance directive and other necessary basic documents.

Last days: Incubate and accelerate a new service sector focused on proper preparation and programming for end-of-life. As major life transitions go, dying is on a par with getting married or having children, so let’s build an industry of death services to rival wedding planners and baby showers. Bring on the social entrepreneurs!

Legacy: Encourage innovation at end of life. We spoke to several innovators who had to pursue legislative recourse to overturn outdated regulations that restricted new approaches in hospice and funeral care. New York City has over 10,000 nonprofit organizations but only one nonprofit funeral home. We need to open the sector to more innovation and reduce regulatory barriers to innovation.

Fear of death and decline holds a strong sway over our minds as we age, and it’s no wonder that we are reluctant to face it. But the longevity revolution means we are living longer and expecting more from each day of our lives, and technology is adding powerful tools for managing our last days and legacies. We need a new approach to this experience, with higher expectations and more focus on dying well, not just expiring.

Written by Executive Director of Older Adults Technology Services (OATS) from AARP Tom Kamber

This article was originally published on Next Avenue.

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