OATS Onboards New Partners to Robust Senior Planet Licensing Program

OATS welcomes 14 new partners to its Senior Planet licensing program that will deliver in-person technology classes across 13 states to older adults in their communities.

Today, Older Adult Technology Services (OATS) from AARP onboarded 14 new licensed partners to its robust “Senior Planet” licensing program; a unique program that provides community-based organizations across the country with tools to help older adults access technology and use it to enhance their lives. As of this week, these newly licensed partners will begin delivering in-person technology classes across 13 states to older adults in their communities, making the award-winning Senior Planet curriculum more accessible than ever before.

In total, the licensing program has over 123 licensed partners that offer programs at 393 active sites in 35 states across the country. New partners participate in a 5-week train-the-trainer series, after which they are provided with access to a growing selection of Senior Planet curriculum and ongoing support including resources, updates and access to a network of licensed partners across the country. With plans to continue expanding each quarter, new partners for Q2 2024 include:

“The Senior Planet licensing program allows us to impart our 20+ years of knowledge, training, and lesson plans to organizations serving older adults across the country.,” said Kristina Demery, Manager of the National Licensing Program at OATS. “OATS helps older adults thrive in today’s digital world through providing digital training and support, and our licensing program allows us to reach more seniors who are interested in these programs than we could have ever imagined.” 

The licensing program was launched in 2021 to meet the growing demand for meaningful, in-person technology programs that could reach older adults in rural areas. In addition to foundational technology courses like Getting Started on Zoom and Smartphones at a Glance, the free program caters to a diverse range of interests and needs among the aging community, offering digital creativity platforms like Canva and fitness and meditation apps like Insight Timer, the iPhone Health App, Google Fit App, to name a few. A commitment to accessibility and inclusivity is prioritized, with curriculum options available in multiple languages, including English, Spanish, and Chinese.

OATS believes in supporting local partners who can be equipped to deliver programs through existing operational systems and allowing space in the curriculum for geographic-specific changes to program delivery. Interested in bringing the Senior Planet licensing program to your community? Visit www.oats.org/licensing or email licensing@seniorplanet.org for more information.

Main photo courtesy of Durham Center for Senior Life, embedded photo courtesy of 3 Leaf.

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